search contract research

Department of Advanced Materials Engineering Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science Jagiellonian University
keywords: liquid crystals, molecular nanolayers, molecular magnetics, biosensors, advanced materials, material micro- and nanostructural testing
offer number: 86
research topics:
- molecular engineering,
- surface phenomena in macromolecular systems - synthesis polymers and biomolecules,
- analysis of multimolecular films that recognize proteins or DNA, and are applied in biosensors,
- observation of interesting biomedical properties of coatings and micropatterns made of "intelligent" (i.e. environmental stimuli-sensitive) or peptide-mimetic polymers,
- magnetic properties of molecular crystals (the diversity of their magnetic behaviours),
- ceramic materials, especially complex ruthenium oxides,
- properties of wide range of mesogenic compounds, from lyotropic to thermotropic,
- research of the molecular architecture influences (at specific thermodynamic conditions) on polymorphism, permittivity and molecular dynamics,
- molecular nanofilms - study of surface and interfacial phenomena in macromolecular systems - synthetic polymers and biomolecules,
- magnetism of materials - experimental investigations of magnetic properties of molecular crystals,
- liquid crystals - properties of wide range of mesogenic compounds, from lyotropic to thermotropic,
test equipment:
- optical flow cryostat
- spectrometer for testing the magnetic circular dichroism,
- system to study the magneto-transport and calorimetric properties at very low temperatures,
- bake for growing single crystals,
- system for creating and analyzing thin-film systems for organic (bio)sensor:,
scanning probe microscope type Agilent5500 (Agilent Technologies),
interference profilometer of white light type FR-Basic (ThetaMetrisis), - the items to build a system of thin organic layers with preset gradients of physicochemical properties,
- fluorescent microscope BX-51 (Olympus),
- parts to build a system of electro-optical properties characterization of thin organic layers,
comercial research:
- introduction of vertical phase separation (commonly known method for optimizing the performance of organic solar cell layers),
- quantitative description of the morphology of the domain patterns of polymers and proteins fields,
- ordering according to the template domains mixtures of conductive polymers and isolating,
- construction of magnetic crystals,
- determination of parameters of electrooptical ferro- and antiferroelectric liquid crystals for use in displays,
- the study of the magnetic properties of molecular substances, including transition metal complexes,
- measurements of: topography (AFM), mechanical (LFM), electrical (SSRM, KFM), magnetic (MFM) properties by contact and contactless mode both in liquid and in the air,
- measuring the thickness of thin layers ranging from a few nm to a few microns; additional equipment enables the measurement of the coefficient of absorption, transmission and reflection, as well as the fluorescence spectra,
- determination of surface tension of any liquid,
- observation of the fluorescence of typical dyes,
methods and research techniques:
- magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy,
- Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS),
- Scanning Probe Microscope,
- dip- and flow-coating method,
- hanging drop method with EasyDrop type,
- fluorescence microscope,
variants of cooperation: contract research, project, consortium
type of services: analysis, devices for rent, expertises
information / broker of Jagiellonian University

name and surname:
phone number: + 48 12 664 42 00