search contract research

Department of Solid State Physics Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science Jagiellonian University
keywords: magnetics, electronic structure, metallic surface structures, modeling of atomic-scale, material testing micro- and nanostructured
offer number: 82
research topics:
- study of physical properties and electronic structure of crystals of intermetallic compounds of rare-earth and manganites: macroscopic properties (magnetic, thermal and transport) and the magnetic structure,
- study of the evolution of superstructure, defects concentration, triple defects, solid systems and nano-layered,
- modeling of crystal growth, migration barriers of adatoms,
- study the physical properties (magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat, electrical resistance) and the electronic structure of magnetic, superconductors and heavy fermion compounds by ARPES method,
- research of dielectric properties of liquid crystals (LC),
- study of polymorphism LC and their dielectric properties: dielectric anisotropy, dielectric relaxation phenomena to the appointment of relaxation times,
- dynamics of transformation of crystal structures and atomic configurations into a solid and nano-dimensional systems, mainly intermetallic, alloys and semiconductors,
test equipment:
- Scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the type Quanta 3D,
- System for the application of epitaxial layers:
a device for depositing films by sputtering (ion sputtering)
MBE chamber - the growth of epitaxial layers - a device for producing thin films by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), - Photoelectron spectrometer XPS, UPS equipment (system of chambers for ultra-high vacuum),
- Multi-function measuring system of physical parameters of modern materials (PPMS, produced by Quantum Design (US)),
comercial research:
- synthesis of surface, self-organizing metallic nanostructures (dynamics of change of surface morphology of nanostructures formed by application of Au, Ag to clean, reconstructed surfaces of Ge and InSb),
- production of metal nano-paths on isolating surfaces,
- modeling the transformation of crystal structures and atomic configurations into a massive and nano-dimensional systems,
- determination of magnetic properties, transport and electronic structure and magnetic rare earth compounds,
- determination of the effect of particle size on the magnetic properties of manganites,
- characterization at the atomic level interface / boundary of metal nanocluster / substrate on the Ge surface,
- determining the properties of materials and their elemental composition,
- conducting chemical analysis of tested samples,
- imaging/determination of orientation of the crystallographic grains,
- surface modifications of test samples,
- preparation of samples for specific areas to examine their cross-sections,
- nano-handling using a ion beam Ga,
- research valence band structure of crystalline materials,
- study band structure of materials, determination of dispersion relations, the study of modification of the band structure under the influence of surface or the entire material doping,
- study spectral functions affecting the shape of the spectra and reflecting the electrons interactions in a crystal,
- measurements of energy gap as a function of the wave vector of the electron,
methods and research techniques:
- dielectric spectroscopy,
- scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
- SEM imaging (simultaneous imaging of the formulation under secondary electron (SE) and backscattered (BSE)),
- imaging in environmental mode ESEM (imaging of biological and non-conductive preparations in an aqueous medium in the pressure range to 2700 Pa),
variants of cooperation: contract research, project, consortium
type of services: analysis, devices for rent, expertises
information / broker of Jagiellonian University

name and surname:
phone number: + 48 12 664 42 00