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Department for Genetic Research and Nutrigenomics Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology Jagiellonian University
keywords: new diagnostic markers, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, gene expression
offer number: 78
research topics: Research aimed at developing new diagnostic markers and therapeutic approaches for rare diseases and lifestyle civilization diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer), neurodegenerative diseases and studies on the impact of dietary components and drugs on altering the gene expression

test equipment:
The labs based on the standards of GLP/GMP laboratories created and equipped with modern laboratory instruments allowing advanced research in the field of genetics and molecular biology, including:
- out-Patient- Clinic for study on patients - room equipped with a device to measure of body composition.
- DNA Bank equipped with a robot for the isolation of DNA from blood, buffy coat and smears on the inside of the cheek, the possibility of isolation of a hard material, eg. bone. Computer-controlled sample storage system STARLIMS possible storage liquid nitrogen and -80° C.
- laser capture microdissection system from Applied Biosystems® ArcturusXT Laser Capture Microdissection system coupled to the optical microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti-E.
- cell culture lab equipped with: Apogee flow cytometry systems (microparticles) and Beckman Coulter (cell) flow cytometry system
- fluorescence microscope adapted to the Fish analysis.
- PCRs, RT-PCR Quantstudio with blocks 96 and 384 of fast and TLDA from Thermo Fisher.
- Luminex 200,
- the system for microarray analysis of genetic Agilent Microarray Scanner G2565CA - Bioanalyzer, hybridization oven and a scanner and GeneSpring Licence - specialized software.
- 8-channel Nanodrop spectrophotometer for DNA / RNA and proteins,
- sanger 8-capillary sequencer from Thermo Fisher,
- IonTorrent and IonProton 2 NGS sequencing systems from Thermo Fisher.
comercial research:
- studies on humans, animals, plants and cell cultures. Storage of the material at the Bank on demand,
- study of variability of genes, detection of point mutations, gene sequencing, genome sequencing in next-generation sequencing technology (NGS), the detection of chromosomal aberrations matrix CGH technique, fragment analysis (paternity test, himeryzm hematopoietic), vulnerability analysis medicines (Pharmacogenomics), nalizy gene expression (study of gene expression by real-time PCR and microarray), detection of viral, bacterial or fungal based on RT-PCR quantification and identification of microorganisms in food and medicines based on RT-PCR analysis of hormones etc.
Research methods:
- clinical and experimental. Gene Expression Real-Time PCR, microarrays.
- an examination of diversity of genomes: RT-PCR, RFLP, Luminex 200, sekwencjnowanie Sangerowskie, Ion-Torrent, IonProton. MRNA profiling, DNA methylation.
- laser Mikrodyssekcja cells from paraffin and cryostat.
experience / references / projects:
- The Department is on the list of genetics laboratories, is a unit under training in the field of medical genetics laboratory.
- The head of Department is a specialist in this field. The lab is subject of international standardization in the diagnosis of monogenic diabetes (EMQN- Manchester).
variants of cooperation: contract research, project, consortium
type of services: analysis, devices for rent, expertises
information / broker of Jagiellonian University

name and surname:
phone number: + 48 12 664 42 00