search contract research
Chair and Department of Pharmaceutical Botany Faculty of Pharmacy Jagiellonian University
keywords: plant biotechnology, botany, mycochemistry, phytochemistry, plants, fungi, biomass, extracts
offer number: 74
research topics:
  • plant biotechnology with elements of phytochemistry;
  • biotechnology of higher fungi;
  • mycochemistry.
test equipment:
  • HPLC Chromatograph Hitachi LaChrom (Merck) - Detector UV L-7400;
  • HPLC Chromatograph Hitachi ELITE LaChrom (Merck) – Detectors: DAD L-2455, FL L-2485;
  • Freeze Dry System (Labconco);
  • Laminar flow cabinet.
comercial research:
  • establishing and maintaining in vitro cultures of plants and fungi intended as a source of therapeutically important  compounds (e.g. phenolic acids, coumarins, flavonoids, lignans, glucosionoletes, lipoic acid, arbutin);
  • comparative phytochemical studies of biomass from in vitro cultures with plants growing in vivo;
  • chemical studies of higher fungi aimed at examining the content of biologically active metabolites (e.g. non-hallucinogenic indole compounds, phenolic acids, sterols, fatty acids, polysaccharides).
  • quantitative analysis of phenolic acids in the plant and fungal extracts;
  • quantitative analysis of indole compounds in the fungal and plant extracts.

Methods and research techniques:

  • maintaining of medicinal plants and higher fungi in vitro cultures;
  • lyophilization of the plant and fungal material (biomass);
  • extraction of the plant and fungal material using different polarity solvents;
  • quantitative analysis of the active compounds by HPLC method.
variants of cooperation: contract research, project, consortium
type of services: analysis, devices for rent, expertises

information / broker of Jagiellonian University

name and surname:
phone number: + 48 12 664 42 00
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